sâmbătă, 12 noiembrie 2016

Recomandare: Hell and Mr. Fudge - A little story about a big lie.

Hell and Mr. Fudge

- A little story about a big lie.

Short Movie Info

A young preacher (Mackenzie Astin) comes under attack from other members of his denomination when he dedicates a year of his life to prove whether or not hell really exists. This is a little story about a big lie.

 Release Date (Streaming):

May 22, 2012, in *DVD 2014


1h 37m


Based on a true story, “Hell and Mr. Fudge” is the heartwarming story of a young Bible-belt preacher who is hired to research the subject of Hell, and as he immerses himself his life takes a spin. He finds himself on the outs with church and family, and facing opposition from a long-time foe. As his research takes him deeper, he questions whether God would punish a young friend in the fires of hell for “just wanting to see the world.” While some of his core beliefs about God and judgment are shaken, Edward Fudge emerges as a defender of faith and Scripture and a champion for God’s love.

Dove Review

This movie, based on a true story, is about grace but it is not without controversy regarding Hell. Primarily, the question that Edward Fudge intends to answer is: “Is Hell an eternal punishment or do evil doers simply perish?” Many fundamentalist Christians will not agree with Mr. Fudge’s conclusion.

Mackenzie Astin turns in a fine performance as the compassionate preacher who focuses on God’s grace for everyone. Soon he is searching the scriptures to determine whether the soul is immortal or not. He concludes that those who go to hell will finally perish and not exist in conscious eternal suffering. However, this idea of the soul being immortal for believers, but not for the unbeliever is not accepted by most churches past or present.

There are some nice qualities, including the emphasis on grace for “whosoever will”, and the viewer is left with some evidence and the expectation that they will make up their own mind on the topic of eternal suffering for non-believers. We award this interesting yet controversial film our Dove “Faith Friendly” Seal for ages 12 and over.

Information from the webpage


An eccentric stranger hires Edward Fudge for a bizarre project: He wants Fudge to investigate Hell.

Edward Fudge is a small-town Bible-belt preacher. Son of a respected church leader known for his conservative religious views, Edward is confident that whatever the Bible really teaches is right. He dedicates a year of his life to a systematic study of Hell – and his life will never be the same.

As Fudge immerses himself in research, other aspects of his life begin to crumble. Leaders of his own denomination attack him for suggesting that members of other churches can be saved.

His own congregation – people he loves and serves – fires him after he invites a black man to pray from the podium. The publishing company he has worked for since childhood terminates his employment because he refuses to recant his liberal positions.

He becomes so committed to his research that his relationship with his wife and children begins to suffer. And, most importantly, in the course of his investigation some of his core beliefs about God and judgment and eternity are shaken from their foundations. Ultimately, Fudge emerges as a defender of faith and Scripture, and a champion for God's love.

Today Edward Fudge is remembered as a well-respected author, lecturer, and theologian. The book that resulted from his research, The Fire That Consumes, is a compelling study on the subject of Hell and eternal torment. It stands as a testimony to a man who had the courage to search for truth and to share what he found no matter what the cost.

Viewer Comments

"A movie that every individual on planet earth needs to see!" B.O., TX

"For Edward, the driving question is "What is God's character? This movie sounds this theme over and over. Great production!" B.F., TX

"What an incredible movie! I loved the style; the way the movie showed his struggle in a personal dialogue with the 'documentor.' Absolutely wonderful... It inspires me to dig deeper in the Bible and to stand firm for my views. I think it would be a great inspiration to the church, especially teenagers and college students." S.B., IL

"Fantastic - humor mixed with truth plus excellent acting!" K.M., CA

"God's grace came out Loud and Clear! The subject or 'Hell' faded in the light of God's Grace. Most powerful!" T.A., CA

"I was raised in the — church, and even as a child I couldn’t understand how a God of love could torment people for eternity. You’ve confirmed my childhood beliefs and I can hardly wait for my friends and family to see this!" CA

"We loved the film. It is funny, maddening, innocently romantic, spiritually inspiring, and God-honoring. It tells how a young preacher chose to follow the truth of Scripture wherever it led him; and, how -- though he was repeatedly 'wounded in the house of his friends'-- he came through it all without being consumed by bitterness, or forsaking his call to proclaim God's Word... Edward's scholarship is impeccable, and his character Christlike." Tom Warner, ID

Hell and Mr. Fudge is a brilliant little film, smartly directed, that tackles an issue facing every person of faith. I can't think of a topic that has more at stake. Hell and Mr. Fudge brings you into the eye of the storm. The writing is evocative. The acting is first rate and the impact is profound." Martin Doblmeier, President, Journey Films

“Hell and Mr. Fudge tells us something, and in a compelling way, about both hell and Edward Fudge. But it also vividly depicts the dark fire of stubborn self-righteousness in the face of even good news, as well as the bright strength of loyal friends and family." John Stackhouse, Professor of Theology, Regent College

"Hell and Mr. Fudge is a riveting piece of cinema.” Christian Film Guide

"Itʼs a heart-warming tale about standing up for your beliefs in the face of ardent opposition...” 303 Magazine

"Hell and Mr. Fudge debunks a common biblical misconception in a way that entertains while it enlightens – a novel way to reach minds and, more important, hearts.”