Se afișează postările cu eticheta Data pastilor (ziua mortii Domnului Isus. Afișați toate postările
Se afișează postările cu eticheta Data pastilor (ziua mortii Domnului Isus. Afișați toate postările

duminică, 28 februarie 2016

Cand este 1 nisan?

Ca sa putem calcula corect 14 nisan trebuie mai intai sa calculam corect 1 nisan.

Data pastilor (ziua mortii Domnului Isus, 14 nisan) Conform cu evreul Iosif Flaviu, din neam de preoti, din secolul I, dupa calendarul ebraic antic (nu cel actual, care este diferit), luna nisan este intotdeauna atunci, cand soarele este in constelatia Berbec, asadar intre 21 martie - 20 aprilie ("Berbec" este constelaţia Aries (Josephus, Antichitati Iudaice. Volumul 3. Capitolul 10, paragraful 5.)). De aici calculul este simplu, 14 nisan este in data de 4 aprilie, in fiecare an, pentru data in care a murit Mantuitorul, iar 17 nisan, adica 7 aprilie este ziua in care a inviat.
Ce ascunde versiunea Cornilescu?
Biblia Ortodoxa, Luca 6:1 Intr-o sambata, a doua dupa Pasti, Iisus mergea prin semanaturi si ucenicii Lui smulgeau spice, le frecau cu mainile si mancau.

În Luca 6:1 apare un termen tehnic, „al doilea prim Sabat", pe care unele manuscrise nu il contin, dat fiind ca copistii neantelegand fraza l-au simplificat la "sabat". Acesta nu este un sabat de ziua a saptea, in care toate calatoriile erau interzise, ci un sabat de sarbatoare, mentionat in Levitic capitolul 23. Mentiunea aceasta este importanta, pentru a se vedea ca intr-o saptamana anume, pot fi doua sabate, unul de sarbatoare si unul de ziua a saptea. Neantelegand sau nestiind Legea lui Moise, unii dintre copiatorii manuscriselor, au simplificat lucrurile, crezand ca este vorba de unul si acelasi sabat. De aici s-a nascut traditia gresita si foarte paguboasa - mai ales in zilele noastre cand infloreste ateismul - ca sabatul de inaintea mortii Domnului Isus era un sabat de ziua a saptea. Ateistii si celelalte credinte necrestine pot profita (si profita) de pe urma acestei traditii nebiblice si contrare Bibliei, argumentand ca Biblia se contrazice si ca Domnul Isus n-a fost un profet adevarat, neamplinindu-se cu fidelitate cele trei nopti si trei zile in care el trebuia sa stea in mormant.
"Şi a fost că, în al doilea prim sabat, El trecea prin semănături; şi ucenicii Săi smulgeau spice şi mâncau, frecându-le cu mâinile."
Iata si traducerile care redau "al doilea prim sabat":

Douay-Rheims Bible
AND it came to pass on the second first sabbath, that as he went through the corn fields, his disciples plucked the ears, and did eat, rubbing them in their hands.
Darby Bible Translation
And it came to pass on [the] second-first sabbath, that he went through cornfields, and his disciples were plucking the ears and eating [them], rubbing [them] in their hands.
Weymouth New Testament
Now on the second-first Sabbath while He was passing through the wheatfields, His disciples were plucking the ears and rubbing them with their hands to eat the grain.

Young's Literal Translation
And it came to pass, on the second-first sabbath, as he is going through the corn fields, that his disciples were plucking the ears, and were eating, rubbing with the hands,

Iosephus Flavius n-a scris ca 14 nisan a fost calculat de la luna noua, va rog sa observati ca in redarea englezeasca nu apare termenul de "DUPA "crai-nou (luna noua)", aici se vorbeste pur si simplu de a 14-a zi a lunii:
BOOK III. Containing The Interval Of Two Years.—From The Exodus Out Of Egypt, To The Rejection Of That Generation.
CHAPTER 10. Concerning The Festivals; And How Each Day Of Such Festival Is To Be Observed.
5. In the month of Xanthicus, which is by us called Nisan, and is the beginning of our year, on the fourteenth day of the lunar month, when the sun is in Aries, [for in this month it was that we were delivered from bondage under the Egyptians,] the law ordained that we should every year slay that sacrifice which I before told you we slew when we came out of Egypt, and which was called the Passover; and so we do celebrate this passover in companies, leaving nothing of what we sacrifice till the day following. The feast of unleavened bread succeeds that of the passover, and falls on the fifteenth day of the month, and continues seven days, wherein they feed on unleavened bread; on every one of which days two bulls are killed, and one ram, and seven lambs. Now these lambs are entirely burnt, besides the kid of the goats which is added to all the rest, for sins; for it is intended as a feast for the priest on every one of those days. But on the second day of unleavened bread, which is the sixteenth day of the month, they first partake of the fruits of the earth, for before that day they do not touch them. And while they suppose it proper to honor God, from whom they obtain this plentiful provision, in the first place, they offer the first-fruits of their barley, and that in the manner following: They take a handful of the ears, and dry them, then beat them small, and purge the barley from the bran; they then bring one tenth deal to the altar, to God; and, casting one handful of it upon the fire, they leave the rest for the use of the priest. And after this it is that they may publicly or privately reap their harvest. They also at this participation of the first-fruits of the earth, sacrifice a lamb, as a burnt-offering to God.

1. When the Hebrews had obtained such a wonderful deliverance, the country was a great trouble to them, for it was entirely a desert, and without sustenance for them; and also had exceeding little water, so that it not only was not at all sufficient for the men, but not enough to feed any of the cat…
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